
The 17th (2019) China Animal Husbandry Expo

Release date£º2021/11/26 18:07:47

On May 18, the 17th (2019) China Animal Husbandry Expo and 2019 China International Animal Husbandry Expo were grandly opened in Wuhan, known as the "city of 100 lakes".

Leaders and guests attending the opening ceremony include Chen Guanghua, deputy director of the animal husbandry and Veterinary Bureau of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, Zhang Guihua, deputy director of the Department of agriculture and rural areas of Hubei Province, Li Xirong, President of China Animal Husbandry Association, Yi Jundong, deputy director of the Bureau of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine of Hubei Province, Yang Jinsong, deputy director of the national animal husbandry station, Ma Qingde, deputy director of the Department of agriculture and rural areas of Qinghai Province And enterprise representatives Chang Yi, deputy general manager of Beijing shounong Food Group Co., Ltd., Qin Yinglin, chairman of Muyuan Food Co., Ltd., Wu dongxun, general manager of Zhongmu Industry Co., Ltd., he Jingxiang, CEO of Guangzhou shadow Technology Co., Ltd., Wu Youlin, chairman of aonong group, Han Jitao, vice president of new hope Liuhe Feed Co., Ltd Fan Tianming, chairman of Jiangsu Huali Food Machinery Co., Ltd. In addition, consuls general and counsellors of the embassies of the United States, France, the Netherlands and Denmark also attended the opening ceremony.

Jiangsu Huanya steel structure participated in the livestock Expo, and a structure was constructed on site. The time was controlled within 24 hours, and the loading, unloading and installation conditions were limited to manpower, giving full play to the professional fighting ability of Huanya people. A4 Hall of Wuhan International Expo Center AM03 Jiangsu Huanya steel structure, 2019.5.18-20 Agricultural Expo successfully ended!

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